Frequently Asked Questions

Do My Accounts Expire If I am Not Active?

Yes, your account will be considered inactive and automatically marked as expired if you don’t log in or make a trade for 35 straight days. To keep your account active, just log in or make a single trade within every 35-day period. This helps ensure that all our traders are actively involved and helps us manage the costs for maintaining inactive accounts.

Can I Adjust the Inactivity Timeframe to Fit My Schedule?

Unfortunately, the 35-day inactivity rule is fixed and applies to everyone to encourage consistent engagement. we are unable to offer extensions or customizations for this period.

What Should I Do If My Account Expires?

If your account expires because you haven’t been active, just get in touch with our support team. They’ll help you set up a new account so you can start trading again.

Will I Be Charged If My Account Expires?

There are no fees linked to your account expiring due to not being active.

If you have more questions or need help with anything related to inactivity or account expiration, feel free to reach out to the Funded Prop BX Support Team.