Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Funded Prop BX Safety Net?

Our analysis indicates that exceeding the Maximum Daily Drawdown is responsible for over 85% of all account breaches. Our most successful traders are those who promptly cut their losses and allow profitable trades to continue. The Funded Prop BX Safety Net promotes effective risk management, leading to consistent profitability.

Funded Accounts Only:

If your PnL on open trades reaches a 2% loss, the Funded Prop BX Safety Net will typically close all open trades across all symbols automatically. This is considered a soft breach, and you can resume trading afterward.


You have a balance of $100,000 and 3 open trades. If your open PnL reaches a total loss of $2,000 (2%), the Funded Prop BX Safety Net will automatically close all trades. You can resume trading afterward.

FPBX Safety Net Breach Consequences:

1st breach: No action taken.
2nd breach: No action taken.
3rd breach: Profit split reduced to 50%.
4th breach: Account is breached.