Frequently Asked Questions

Do Funded Prop BX Challenge and Funded Prop BX Account Trades Reflect Real Market Conditions?

Yes, when you trade in the Funded Prop BX Challenge and with a Funded Prop BX Account, your orders go through a system that mimics real market actions. What this means is that the price you want for an order might not always be the price you get.

Your orders are filled based on what’s happening in the market right then, what the order books look like, and whether the volume you want is available at your desired price. This situation isn’t unique to us – it’s pretty standard across trading platforms and markets.

Basically, when you place an order, it gets matched with the best available market price from our liquidity providers, considering the current order book and volume availability. So, there might be times when the price at which your order is executed is different from what you asked for. This difference is more noticeable during times of high market volatility or when the market isn’t very liquid.

For example, during major news events or at the end of the trading day, spreads can get wider, and the availability in the order book might not be as robust, leading to a gap between the price you want and the price you get. This can work both for and against you.