Funded Prop BX Reward Points

Secure your points by completing the tasks and redeem to claim amazing gifts and rewards.

Please login to the site to view the earned achievements.
Please login to the site to view the earned points.

Display Your Funded Prop BX Certificate

Obtain a certificate from your Funded Prop BX dashboard and share it in public trading groups. Upload a screenshot of your shared certificate here to claim your points! You can gain up to 2000 points from this task.

+1000 POINTS

Review Funded Prop BX on Your Favorite Review Site

Would you be willing to write a quick review about your favorite feature of Funded Prop BX? Simply write a review on your favorite review site, once completed return here and upload a screenshot for confirmation. You can gain a maximum of 1000 points by submitting this task.

+1000 POINTS

Funded Prop BX Discord: Your Trading Community Awaits!

Network with other Funded Prop BX traders, gain insights, and become part of the inner circle. Join us on Discord and provide your Discord ID as proof.


Bring Your Friends to Our Discord Server

Invite your friends to our Discord Server using your custom discord link. You can invite up to 100 friends, earning 5 points for each one who joins. Share screenshots from the #invites-tracking channel (run command /invites) when your joining number reaches multiples of 10. You can earn a total of 500 points from this task.


Earn Points by Joining the Next Poker Game on Our Discord!

Earn points by participating in our weekly poker tournament in Discord community #games-chat channel and showcase your poker skills with fellow traders! Remember to upload a screenshot of your participating to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 100 points by submitting this task for up to 5 different weeks (up to 500 points).


Earn Points by Participating in Our Trading Quiz on Our Discord!

Earn points by participating in our weekly quiz tournament in discord community #games-chat and showcase your trading knowledge with fellow traders! Remember to upload a screenshot of your participating to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 100 points by submitting this task for up to 5 different weeks (up to 500 points).


Tell Us Your Top Suggestion on Discord to Earn Points!

We love feedback from all traders to improve our community! Earn points by posting your top suggestion in our #suggestions channel describing what new features, ideas or tools you would like to see implemented here at Funded Prop BX! You can gain a maximum of 50 points each day by submitting this task for up to 3 different days (up to 150 points).


Earn Points by Posting Your Best Trade Idea on Our Discord!

Earn points by posting your trade idea screenshot in discord community channel #trade-ideas and celebrate your trading success with fellow traders! Remember to upload a screenshot of your post to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 50 points each day by submitting this task for up to 20 different days (up to 1000 points).


Follow Us on X (Twitter) and Earn Points!

Stay updated on the latest discounts and updates by following Funded Prop BX on X (Twitter). Share a screenshot as proof of joining to earn points. You can gain a maximum of 100 points from this task.


Retweet our latest X (Twitter) Post to Claim Points!

Earn points by retweeting/reposting our latest Funded Prop BX post on X (Twitter)! Remember to upload a screenshot of your shared Tweet to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 25 points by submitting this task for up to 20 different days (up to 500 points).


Comment on Our Latest X (Twitter) Post to Claim Points

Earn points by making a tweet and comment on our latest X (Twitter) post. Remember to upload a screenshot of your Tweet to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 25 points per day by submitting this task for up to 20 different days (up to 500 points).


Tweet & Tag @FundedPropBX on X (Twitter) to Earn Rewards!

Earn points by tweeting about your favorite Funded Prop BX challenge and tagging @FundedPropBX on your X (Twitter) post. Remember to upload a screenshot of your Tweet to claim your points. You can gain a maximum of 25 points per day by submitting this task for up to 20 different days (up to 500 points).


Follow Us on Instagram to Earn Points!

Stay updated on the latest discounts and updates by following Funded Prop BX on Instagram. Share a screenshot as proof of joining to earn points. You can gain a maximum of 100 points from this task.


Like & Follow Funded Prop BX on Facebook and Earn Points

Like & follow Funded Prop BX Official Page on Facebook and watch your points grow. Share your Facebook profile link (e.g., Once the link is verified, you will be rewarded.


Join Our Telegram Channel to Earn Points!

Stay updated on the latest discounts and updates by following Funded Prop BX on Telegram. Share a screenshot as proof of joining to earn points. You can gain a maximum of 100 points from this task.


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